What We Learnt From Productivity & Transformation 2022
20th September 2022
Last week, ReThink and OB&Co gathered together more than 80 operations, productivity and workload planning experts at the National Motorcycle Centre in Birmingham for a day of idea sharing and networking.
Our exclusive conference, Productivity & Transformation 2022, enabled people to meet in person for the first time since before Covid-19 to discuss all things productivity and transformation in the workplace, as well as how the pandemic affected the way we all work. But, above all else, it was an opportunity for people to meet others facing similar business challenges to their own.
Throughout the day, the sentiments that cropped up most frequently were how good it was to be in a room full of people with the same agenda, using insights to make better decisions and drive productivity.
It was also interesting to see how similar the challenges are from business to business, whether they be retailers, hospitality, warehousing or service providers. All are facing ongoing cost challenges combined with a desire to deliver an ever-better customer experience that ensures a loyal customer base and future growth.
Following a series of talks from expert key speakers, Ian Shepherd, Chairman of Bensons for Beds, brought the event to a close with a keynote built around the theme of connectivity and how our productivity community can continue to learn from one another.
The overwhelming response from those present was that attending Productivity and Transformation 2022 was a good use of their time.
“Really good balance of keynote speakers, discussion panels and networking opportunities”
“Extremely worthwhile, great content and agenda”
“Great to get to know other people in similar roles”
ReThink co-founders, Simon and Sue, are keen advocates for sharing productivity thinking and best practice. Plans are already being devised for next year’s event so, if you missed out this time, keep an eye out for next September’s dates.