ReTime Academy

Work Measurement Training course from ReThink

Accredited by the UK MTM Association

Work Measurement training creates work study analysts (Industrial engineers) qualified in the main direct observation work measurement techniques

The 10-day course assumes delegates have a basic understanding of Excel and covers:

  • An overview of work study techniques, including why and when to deploy them
  • Activity Study (DOTS Direct Observation), Efficiency study (RAS Rated Activity Sampling), and Role Study (DILO Day In a Life Of)
  • Performance Rating Qualification (ReTime Pace Rating)
  • First principles measurement using stopwatches and practical measurement using ReThink’s ReTime work study apps
  • Practical and professional application of trained techniques when on-site
  • A theory and a practical exam
  • Certification accredited by the UK MTM Association

£2,750 per delegate excluding VAT

Note: Additional costs may apply for face-to-face courses if course tutors require hotels


Face-to-face for groups of three or more delegates at your offices

Virtual courses are also available

Upcoming course dates:




Other dates available on request

ReTime Academy

Courses from the ReTime Academy are accredited by UK MTM association. The UK MTM Association was founded in 1964 and works with other MTM Associations worldwide to maintain professional standards in methods-time measurements

  • Offers a range of courses for work study engineers and operational teams applying work measurement outputs
  • Training courses provide an introduction to the ReTime work study apps with ongoing app subscriptions available
  • Courses led by experienced work study engineers meeting UK MTM training criteria


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